We went up to North Alabama and got to go to Tate farms, which I will from here on out refer to as the Superior. After Hayden, we thought we knew what a pumpkin patch was like, but the Superior was much nicer. Instead of a field with some small pumpkins sitting around on it, they had an honest to goodness pumpkin patch with pumpkins on the vine. The prices were super reasonable too. If you could find a way to get the 100lb pumpkin to your car it was only $20 or so.
It was a big treat getting to go with not only Aunt Kim and "the guys" and Taylor, but we also got to spend time with my sister from another mother, Cricket and her adorable son Kyle.
Now, if you know me well at all you probably know I have two weeknesses. American Chocolate Cookie Companty and fried pies. Tate farm upped the ante on the fried pies by having not only apple and peach but also chocolate! Ahhh...heaven.
After worrying about our kids in the hay maze, my sister and I discovered we were the ones that were lost.
Everyone enjoyed the playground.
Cora stayed with Uncle Terry and Papa. Every baby knows Uncle Terry is the best nap spot ever.
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