Thursday, February 28, 2008

Stock Tip

It's a tricky market. Ruby Greenspan keeps a firm eye on what is going up in value or becoming yesterday's news. Let's look at the latest stock report.

As you can clearly see, after a slow start MAMA stock is going up in value. Finally the Ruby Industrial Average is recognizing the value of cuddling to the population. DADA stock, after a strong initial upswing, is unable to pace the MAMA. Both stocks lag behind Dog Toys Inc for obvious reasons.
For those of you invested in the RRTDAC, be on the lookout for a new public offering yesterday at 3:01 in Allison Guy Griner Industries (Symbol:AGGI). Ruby is predicting future high return results after an initial slow growth period.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Let them eat cake!

I may have already mentioned this, but let me repeat myself in the name of clarity before I move on to the post. All the baby books tell you the importance of talking with your newborn. In the beginning you start with nursery rhymes or songs. Then you realize you don't know very many of them and start to work in more adult themes. After asking your newborn's view on what makes a great president and what makes a good husband (same things by the way fiscal responsibility and diplomacy), global economy, best movie ever etc.; you start to descend into babbling somewhere around the 6 week mark (also when you are about ready to go back to work and have a real conversation). I was deep into babbling territory when Jamey came home one day and listened to me tell Ruby that she was the Princess of Cakes. For some reason, that title stuck and has been tossed around quite frequently. Text Messages of "I have the cakes" obviously mean she has been picked up from daycare.

On to the post!

Last night, Ruby met one of her subjects for the first time. Day care is a nice introduction into "lots of time consuming things that the babies probably don't appreciate but you do it anyway in the name of being a good parent/teacher". Along those lines, they had a Valentines Day party today so I was busy last night experimenting with eggless cakes (children under 1 year should not eat eggs). I used a "Wacky Cake" recipe from Depression era times when people could not afford eggs. A combination of vinegar, baking soda and salt allow the cake to rise. I decided to experiment on Ruby to see if the cake would be well received. Observe the interaction between Princess and her loyal subject.

Cake: I have a property dispute I was hoping you could resolve great princess.
PoC: Yes, I'm listening.

Cake: Ahhhhhh!
PoC: Oh, I am so sorry! I have no idea what came over me!

PoC: Well, it appears I am not so sorry after all. Baliff! Bring in the next subject!