For about 330 days a year, my bedtime routine is pretty simple. Brush teeth, go to bed. For the other thirty odd days usually near my birthday, I attempt to reinvent my routine in the hopes of finding a fountain of youth and establishing the new "with it" me that can think to long term results instead of the shortest critical path to sleep. Usually this burst involves overly expensive lotion and a commitment to do 50 sit ups a night or some other equally seemingly achievable, yet soon to be forgotten, exercise component.
I began my most recent attempt last few weeks or so. This time, I am convinced that exfoliation is the key to younger looking skin. I came to this conclusion from some sound bite interview where a supermodel noted that men look younger than women because they shave. What can I say? I like to grab random pointers and see where they take me. I purchased a skin "rejuvinator". Basically, this thing scrapes off the top layer of skin. Imagine a washcloth on a portable sander. While it sounds painful, it feels pretty good actually. In fact, although it only calls for doing it three times a week, I find myself feeling as if my face is not clean those other days of the week. It's reminiscent of when I switched to Aquafresh Extreme Clean. No other toothpaste works in my mind now. Will this routine last? Decidedly not. Already I find myself skipping everything but tooth brushing before jumping into bed. Forehead wrinkles vs sleep? I think we all know the winner.
Maybe we should just start shaving our faces too?
just think how young our legs will look!
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