Jamey had a smashing birthday back on May 2nd.

I had a somewhat stressful birthday. Jamey gifted me with three beautiful koi fish for our pond. He gave them to me by drawing a picture of three cartoon fish on a card. When I went out to the pond, I saw one sad lonely pretty fish being attacked by about 5 unattractive goldfish. I proceeded to grab a skimmer and attempt to beat the mean fish off the new fish as I yelled at them. Jamey watched me for a bit, sighed and pointed out gently that you cannot train fish. About 15 minutes later I gave up and headed to work. Once I got home, all three new fish were present and swimming happily with their goldfish brethren. I came to the inescapable conclusion that I had trained the fish and am now ready for a National Geographic special, "The Fish Yeller"

For Mother's Day, I grabbed my mom, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, her mother and grandmother and a good friend and we all went to Sips and Strokes. We preceded to make a "Crackled cross" which was fun to do. I have no idea what I will do with my new found crackling ability, but I'm sure it will come in handy.
This Memorial Day weekend, we deemed it "Craft weekend" and got lots of home projects done. Highlights include freshly painted cabinets with overpriced adorable hardware from Anthropologie and a new ceiling fan for Ruby.

Ruby is terrorizing the dogs by mowing them over with a lawnmower shaped object that doesn't actually accomplish anything. How hard could it have possibly been to make it a sweeper? It's never too early to earn that allowance Ruby! Ruby also took her first steps May 17th at our big family birthday party.

When Ruby isn't walking she's climbing....absolutely anything she can climb.

Shew! That's alot of updates. Hopefully, this won't have to hold you over till next month.
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