Ruby hit the four month mark his month. As you can see, she continues to grow LONGER. Her pajamas are 9-12 month sizes these days to fit her long legs and big feet. Her four month doctor's appointment was great. They weighed her 3 times because they couldn't believe how big she was. They also keep measuring her head. I think they think it is too small for her weight, but they don't tell new parents that. Jamey's mom pointed out that she doesn't have a small head, she just has a very oddly shaped one.

The doctor asked if Ruby is rolling over yet. I said "No." He said she would start very soon and I should never turn away from her while she is on an elevated surface. As he says this he mimics turning away and Ruby rolls over! The doctor and I both laughed and praised Ruby her grand feat. Jamey is very disappointed that she rolled to the wall instead of off the table. There are probably big bucks in having a baby roll off the table while the doctor demonstrates how NOT to turn away.

After the doctor visit, we experimented with giving Ruby cereal. She did not appreciate it at first even though it was so watered down with formula I wondered how she knew the difference. She stuck her tongue out of her mouth and wouldn't put it back in. Once she finally did, she seemed to decide it was OK. In her defense, the only other taste she had ever had was Dom Perignon (her pacifier dipped in it) celebrating the night we bought the new house.
1 comment:
I feel like that bare-butt photo is the first one where you can actually get some impression of what her face will look like when she's older. (Or at least when she's quite surprised by something, like mom taking a booty shot.)
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