Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day + Air Show = Awesome

We went to the Blue Angels airshow this weekend. It was very cool. Ruby and Allison's favorite part was getting to ride a real live school bus from the parking to the field. It's true that you look at things differently when you are with two year olds.

Ruby was scared of the noise and I tried to calmly explain the reason for it. I then covered her ears and let her lay beside me. After the show Ruby said "I was scared, but you helped me Mama." I said "Oh, did the explanation of where the noise comes from help?" She looked at me like I was crazy and said "No, you hid me from the airplanes." Oh well. Logic can come later. We will definitely be going back next year!

Ruby celebrated Mother's Day by helping Daddy choose some new Koi for the pond. Allison and Ruby then had a good time letting the fish give them a pedicure.

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