Loyal fans, I beg you to forgive the long interruption. I was foiled by a burst pipe in our living room that turned into three weeks out of our home. There's lots of excitement on the home front and I wish I had the "all done" pictures to show you but the truth is that nothing is completely finished yet and we are still living upstairs in our house instead of on the main level. However, as soon as things actually start to get done I will post before and after pics. Right now, we are living in the joys of keeping two dogs off the floors for 30 days. Still, during this finishing up time, let me catch you up on old events...
Somewhere around Ruby turning 10 months old, Jamey looked at her and said "It's like she's a real human now." While arguably human before that, I can kind of see his point as Allison hit her one year birthday. She now acts like a toddler and not a baby.
She and Grandma interact...

She and Ruby interact...

She and Picasso Interact...

Welcome to Homo Sapiens Allison! Happy Birthday!
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