Ruby met her cousin today and found her completely uninteresting. Still, it was a great visit and she was much too excited to sleep. After a long nap once she got home, Jamey took her to the park and let her swing which made her cackle with glee.
Tonight we ventured out for Mexican. Ruby loved the tamale and was so good we let her go to the bookstore afterwards and pick a prize.
She chose a Webkinz. For those of you not familiar, Webkinz let's you "adopt" your stuffed animal and care for it online. Although Ruby chose it for its softness and dog like shape, I was curious as to what fun she can have with her pet online. First of all, I was very impressed by the security lesson at the beginning. Your username should not be one that someone can guess and your password should have a number in it. After having gone through all that security, I can only think "Why?". Will someone log on and give my dog an apple? Horrors! Her pet "Baba" (she named him herself) now has a balloon, apple and chair. Weeee! Still, I guess I see the appeal. It is basically Sims for stuffed animals. All for $11.95! One day when Ruby feeds her dog marshmellows, I guess I'll know why.
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