As we near Ruby's 9 month mark, I am continually amazed by her ability to find the most dangerous thing in the room in a ridiculously quick period of time and pick it up and put it in her mouth. Of course, its not enough for me to simply be amazed by it. I feel the need to quantify it and make sure its not just that remember the times she reaches for something that is not a toy, but is, in fact, capable of distinguishing a baby toy from objects of potential destruction.
Hypothesis: Given a choice between well crafted baby toys designed to stimulate her and a regular household item that is uninteresting but could cause harm, Ruby will choose the household item. Toys which have not been played with for at least 3 days will be used to guarantee maximum toy appeal.
Experiment 1: Stuffed Animal, Tape, Stuffed Animal

Result: Tape

Experiment 2: Block, Teething Ring, Batteries

Result: Batteries

Experiment 3: Stuffed Animal, Slobbery Dog Toy, Stuffed Animal

Experiment 4: Book, Rubber Ducky, A&D

Result: This is Darwinism?
(no babies were harmed in this experiment. Howqever, Picasso was kindof sad when she had his dog)
This is your finest blogger moment yet.
that is hysterical!
Not only am I impressed with your scientific methodology, but the visual aides are outstanding! Fine blogging.
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