Cora has been saying Da da and Ma ma for weeks now, pretty much since she got tubes in her ears. Yeah tubes! She says
"Da da da da" when she's happy and "ma ma ma" when she's upset. It's great. She got to play with the fake computer this weekend for the first time and she started out happy "Da da da da" and ended up mad at it "ma Ma MA!" I sympathize. Sounds like a typical computer experience to me. Her methods of typing got a bit unusual.
Tonight she said her first word which is actually the same as Ruby's first word. Every Monday night, we have a pool night at our neighborhood pool. I brought some rubber ducks for her to play with. I was chatting with friends and she was reaching unsuccessfully for the duck on the table next to me and she said "Duck!" and I handed it to her. Then I realized what she had done. Go Cora!
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