For the first time in recorded history, Alabama had a white Christmas! While I was super excited by this, Ruby took it as proof that all Christmas books and shows are correct. "Of course its snowing Mama, it's Christmas morning!"
Ruby was super excited by her red fire truck. I like how gender neutral Ruby is. She took her Tinkerbell fairy dolls and they fought fires all day long. Ruby really got into opening presents this year and it wasn't like last year where we spent two days opening gifts. Partly its because I reined my parents in, but it was also due to Ruby eagerly asking for another present to open. Santa also brought Ruby a basketball goal and a dump truck.
We hosted Christmas dinner which turned out to be exciting. When people showed up, the toilet upstairs had just overflowed, Picasso got out and I dropped a good portion of our dinner on the floor. Luckily, Jamey's family took everything in stride and we still had a great time.
After patiently waiting for the day after Christmas to ensure no one got it for me, I sent my dad to Best Buy to pick me up a Kinect. Dad overheard someone saying that it can be hard to connect the Kinect system with an older XBox so he naturally decided to get us a new XBox. We had a blast with Dance Central and Ruby showed she can really get her groove on.
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