Monday, December 27, 2010

Would you like more dirt with that dinner?

For the first time in recorded history, Alabama had a white Christmas! While I was super excited by this, Ruby took it as proof that all Christmas books and shows are correct. "Of course its snowing Mama, it's Christmas morning!"

Ruby was super excited by her red fire truck. I like how gender neutral Ruby is. She took her Tinkerbell fairy dolls and they fought fires all day long. Ruby really got into opening presents this year and it wasn't like last year where we spent two days opening gifts. Partly its because I reined my parents in, but it was also due to Ruby eagerly asking for another present to open. Santa also brought Ruby a basketball goal and a dump truck.

We hosted Christmas dinner which turned out to be exciting. When people showed up, the toilet upstairs had just overflowed, Picasso got out and I dropped a good portion of our dinner on the floor. Luckily, Jamey's family took everything in stride and we still had a great time.

After patiently waiting for the day after Christmas to ensure no one got it for me, I sent my dad to Best Buy to pick me up a Kinect. Dad overheard someone saying that it can be hard to connect the Kinect system with an older XBox so he naturally decided to get us a new XBox. We had a blast with Dance Central and Ruby showed she can really get her groove on.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy 13th Anniversary!

Jamey and I went to Atlanta the weekend of our 13th anniversary. We really enjoyed Woodfire Grill and Imperial Fez. For our actual anniversary, we met up with our anniversary buddies, Evan and Yvonne, at Veranda.

After being married for over a decade, I have a new theory on how to rate a healthy marriage. A marriage counselor only has to ask one question to immediately know how much work this couple will be. "What do you fight about?"

A typical marriage might have the following
how to raise kids
no time together

Here are some quotes of our top fights these days. All from my perspective but you can derive Jamey's point of view

"There are no magical ants that tesseract to baby formula powder if it is left on the counter between me making the bottle and cleaning up"

"If Prince is so superior to Michael Jackson, how come I would rather listen to actual doves cry then a single album of Prince's but you can put on any Michael Jackson album and have an instant party?"

"If there is a 10th circle of hell for people who open the dishwasher and only take what they immediately need out, I hope I do go there because those sound way more fun than people who don't."

13 years from now I hope we are still picking completely inane things to argue about. Of course, we'll still be arguing about Prince vs. Michael Jackson. Some marriage arguments are eternal.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

We Created Our Creators

Recently, we left Ruby with Jamey's mom for an evening of babysitting. Jamey's mom took the opportunity to tell the story of Baby Jesus. If she had warned me, I probably could have predicted how it would go. Then again, maybe not.

Juju: So God sent an angel to Mary that was so bright it hurt to look upon him.
Ruby: I don't like God.
Juju: Of course you like God. He made everything even you and Cora.
Ruby: Cora and I came from my mommy's belly.
Juju: But God created you there and the sky and the earth and EVERYTHING.
Ruby: No he didn't. Robots did.

I actually can guess where she got this idea. On a recent trip to McWayne center, Ruby was obsessed with watching the robots build a car. My mom commented "Robots are neat. They can make almost anything these days."