Cora's name has been a source of discussion in the Taylor household since we found out we were having a girl. Jamey wanted to name her after his great grandmother Zeola. I was not the biggest fan although I like Zee. We listed all the names in the family tree and ranked them. We met at Cora. We also discussed how much I like boy names for girls and Jamey suggested Charley. I took weeks of my pregnancy calling my stomach Zee, Charley or Cora depending on my mood. I have to admit for while there Charley was the clear winner. Then I realized my niece's new dog is named Charlie and I read three books in a row with a dog name Charlie. Weird isn't it? I decided that was a sign either in the pro or minus. I looked into the future a bit
My daughter: How did you pick the name Charley
Me: I saw/read about four dogs named Charley and just couldn't resist.
My daughter: My therapy bills are going to be huge.
OK. So not Charley. Now Cora was still very appealing. It could be cute or grown up and it was unusual. Also it has good meanings "heart" or "maiden". I remember being so irked to realize my name meant "of the resurrection". What does that even mean, really? Zeola, let's call her Zee, was also unusual but had no meaning and everyone I mentioned it to said "what? Viola?" and I had to repeat it. I got tired of that quickly, so how would Zeola feel?
My daughter: I hate my name. I always have to repeat it and then tell people how to spell it.
Me: Well, your father really liked it and since he was having a hard time getting excited at the thought of two kids, I figured I should throw him a bone.
My daughter: My therapy bills are going to be huge.
OK. So I went dictator on Jamey and declared the winner to be Cora. I told him, with some slight trepidation, that he could pick the middle name. Jamey enlisted Ruby's help and came up with several likely candidates including Key, Pine cone and Aurora.
Now, here we sit in the hospital and a woman comes in with the birth certificate. I tell Jamey's it's time and the lady says "oh no, this is just the baby book certificate. You can still think about it." Jamey happily puts off the decision until the real certificate comes in later that morning. As he's filling it out, he starts laughing. Do you think New York has the same sample occupations?
He hands back the paperwork which I intercept and am happy to see Zee as the middle name. I love it. A nod to the family tree, but uniquely her own.
Today, our visitors are my mom, dad and Ruby for the most part. Uncle David dropped by since he was on a business trip the day before. He brings us a great lunch and makes me laugh so much with his stories that I have to take a Perkeset when he leaves.
Yvonne and Evan continue in being way too good of friends by bringing us sushi, wine and bubble teas with caffeine. It's like a smörgåsbord of pregnancy no-nos and I eat to my heart's content.
Cora is such a perfect baby that Jamey and I spend most the day reading. This may be the most relaxing vacation we've had in a while. Despite that, we send Cora to the nursery for the night and get a good 6 hours sleep. Ahhhh, won't see that again any time soon.
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