The first is our very own Christmas tale. Jamey claimed a noise in the house was a mouse. I, seeing Ruby's scared face, said "No, there is no mouse in our house." Jamey went on to tell Ruby the only mouse in the house is Francois the Christmas mouse who collects Mommy's hair at night to make his nest. Ruby helped draw the's nice to see she has her father's eyes.

Here is the depiction of our Christmas with the usual flattering rendition of me.

I stumbled across this on the coffee table one morning.

Was playing a D&D game with Jamey and my brother (yes, we really are that nerdy). Ruby wanted to join in and quickly grasped the idea of a maze with creatures. She drew the maze and ordered Jamey to draw the encounters to her specifications.

Another random encounter left on our Dining Room table. I'll leave it to your imagination.